Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+ Finally after so many leaks Samsung launched their new flagship smartphones Galaxy S8 and S8+. This year Samsung went different design for the these two models which removed almost every thing from the front of the display. This help Samsung to go with an almost bezel less look which Samsung told infinity display, means increase screen size and keep the phone physical size close to last year Galaxy S7. There are not actually a major differences in between S8 and S8+ the main difference is the screen size and the battery. Specs in S8 and S8+ The bigger difference in Galaxy S8 and S8+ is the physical screen size. The S8 has a 5.8-inch display while the S8+ has a 6.2-inch screen. Both have a same resolution 2960X1440 pixels but S8 will have 570 ppi and S8+ will have 529 ppi. Both new Galaxy S8 and S8+ both powered by new Octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 (2.35GHz + 1.9GHz) or Octa-core Samsung Exynos 8895 (2.35GHz + 1.7GHz), With 4GB RAM and 64GB ...
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